Torri Nicole, MSW

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"What are you investing in?"

Weeks ago, I attended the Federally Employed Women 49th National Training Program in New Orleans, Louisiana. The theme of the NTP was, “Investing in Our Future.” Great theme and Wonderful place to be! Thinking nothing of it, I began choosing the seminars that I would like to sit through and gain additional knowledge on the basis of professional and personally need. I began to select the seminars that I never took but most importantly, I chose seminars that could propel my professional career and business to the next level. So, my planning appeared to be strategic, so I thought! Thinking nothing of it, I began to think of ways I can continue to maximize opportunities in my life to add to my toolbox and inspire others. I began to pray over my thoughts, my words, my steps to be able to motivate, inspire, and reward other women I encounter while at the training and when I got home.


From my experience, our walk of faith is inspiration enough to shift movement and transition within someone else by what they view in us. At times, we are inspiring those who are watching our every move, grasping on our every word, and learning from our mistakes and successes. So, after this powerful national training, I began to meditate, refocus, regroup, and make adjustments, and pray about my transitions to my next level. While in my daily prayers, I had an epiphany and asked of myself, “What are you investing in?” So, I leave this question open to my readers, “What are you investing in?” There is nothing wrong with purchasing and planning a vacation for a mental break from our reality, clothing, or rewards for a job well done; however, have we put our all into making an investment into our present and future. So, I ask the question again, “What are you investing in?” In order for you to begin to invest in yourself, it is time to get real and do some self-evaluation about what is needed to move yourself forward and making changes for your future.


These are some of the questions that you can ask yourself: Have I developed a vision board to reflect my dreams and ideas? Have I set realistic and reasonable goals? Have I invested in adding more skills to my toolbox? Toolbox meaning your brain because we all have a million dollars in our brain that can become several businesses; it’s our job to get them out on paper and start by utilizing the skill sets that we have learned. Lastly, have you made an investment in your business?


We can invest in other people dreams but never pay attention to ours. It’s now time to live in your purpose and invest in yourself to get your book written, start the business, go back to school, or complete the degree or something, as simple as, going on a vacation for your health and self-care. Regardless of what your needing to accomplish, Do It!


                                                         Now is your time!