Taking Your Rightful Place

It’s Official, we only have 2 months left this year! With two months left in 2017, it’s time for women to take their rightful place in business, life, and professionally. “A seat at the table!” is in order. The table of Influential Decision Making, Community Activism, and being a home-based motivator. If you’ve noticed a shift or transition in your life, which has been monumental; get prepared because GOD is preparing that table for us to push forward for his usage of what we have been created to do! We as women are a gift and a curse to ourselves because we can be the leader in straight beast mode and in the same breath; talk ourselves out of the deal or opportunity of a lifetime. We do this because we believe we are not ready for the opportunities; when in fact we are beyond prepared. In this season of GREAT transitions, we can’t afford to doubt ourselves, our skills, education, our sisterhood network, and most importantly, our FAITH. Every woman need to prepare to take her rightful place at the table. We are capable and we are the future of change in this world. So, how do you prepare to take your place? I’m glad you asked! Here are some of the steps I ask myself or ask women that are seeking advice:


(1)  Re-evaluate where you are at this very moment in your life? Ask yourself, am I in the position(s) I want to be in? what do I need to do to get to the next level? Have I added to my education or entrepreneur skill set?


(2)  Am I speaking positivity over my life? If you continue to downplay and speak in a toxic or negative tone over your life; you will produce rotten soil! Speak of what you want, pray for what you need, and practice the Law of Attraction!


(3)  Do you know what you want out of your life at this very moment? Regardless of your age, you can always start over and do something that you love. Never have anyone discourage you from what you want or desire. It is ok to have a council of people that provide you with “truth serum”, we all need that honest sounding board!


(4)  Rid yourself of distractions that are taking you away from your purpose in life!


(5)  Don’t give up and trust the process. You will appreciate the journey!


Living your life’s purpose is the most fulfilling thing you can ever do for yourself. It’s time to be selfless and confident to elevate yourself to the next level! May the blessings of GOD be upon your life!